The Film Bazar Forum
1st edition
Public: Cinema professionals and aspiring professionals
Malcolm de Chazal Foundation
Café du Vieux conseil
Photography Museum
Port Louis
Wednesday 8 October 2014 : 13:00-17:00
Thursday 9 October 2014 : 13:00-17:00
Friday 10 October 2014 : 11:00-17:00
Free entry
Limited number of seats
Application form
Practical info
For more informations : T. 465 38 26

Meeting and sharing the cinematographic resources of the Indian Ocean has been, since the beginnings of Île Courts Festival, an avenue which we keep exploring over and over again. A place where can converge the region’s cinemas, the Festival has been developing itself since 2007 around training workshops and screenings that bring to light a multitude of stories from our islands, themes that resonate with each other, young and dynamic creativity liberating itself from all the practical difficulties of film production to offer unique perspectives on our societies.
Always a place of meetings, Île Courts wants this year – and in all the coming ones – to dig deeper into the issue of the development of an Indianoceanist cinema that is the mirror of our shared identity and reality. This is how the idea of the Film Bazar Forum was born. “Bazar” because it opens its doors to everyone: amateurs, the merely curious, professionals who want to add their thoughts to the collective reflection around this large question of how to define Indianoceanism through the lens of cinema.
We have also wanted to present to you a programme centred around real issues, case studies but also an objective look at what we can today call Indian Ocean cinemas. Beyond the roundtables and formal discussions, we hope that the Forum will also be a place of informal sharing, full of warmth and friendliness shared around a cup of coffee or a meal between the cinematic worlds of our islands, between the viewers, the producers, and the future producers.
As FBF considers itself to have an essentially plural identity, it will thus be an itinerant festival. The second edition, in 2015, will take place on Reunion Island and the third, en 2016, in Comores.
David Constantin
Association Porteurs d’Images
Co-organised with our partner festivals et associates of the FIFAI/CIFF and RFC regions.>
In collaboration with the MFDC, the IOC (Indian Ocean Commission), the Malcolm de Chazal Foundation, the Café du Vieux Conseil and the Photography Museum of Port Louis.
Le Programme
Forum Film Bazar : Day 1
Wednesday 8 October 2014
Filming In The City #1
Filmmakers’ gaze on Port Louis
In order to compile a small collection on the cities hosting the FBF, the Festival is asking its invitees to produce a deeply personal work about their perspective on the city. Complete artistic freedom is given when it comes to form, the only rule being that the productions must be soundless. Each invitee will be accompanied on her/his outing by two students from the cinema department of the Lycée des Mascareignes.
Time to meet and chat
Opening of the FFB1
Introduction : An Overview of Indian Ocean Cinemas
The Festivals of the Indian Ocean propose to us a quick tour of cinematic work being done in the region and the efforts done to support them. What assessment can we make out of our experiences so far? What specific issues seem to arise in multiple places? What are the forces really at play today in this cinema that we qualify as emerging?
Forum Film Bazar : Day 2
Thursday 9 October 2014
Filming In The City #2
Filmmakers’ gaze on Port Louis
In order to compile a small collection on the cities hosting the FBF, the Festival is asking its invitees to produce a deeply personal work about their perspective on the city. Complete artistic freedom is given when it comes to form, the only rule being that the productions must be soundless. Each invitee will be accompanied on her/his outing by two students from the cinema department of the Lycée des Mascareignes.
Time to meet and chat
Regional Co-Production: Case Study Of Lonbraz Kann
Too small to maintain their own independent film industries, it’s in the best interests of the Indian Ocean islands to combine their technical, artistic and financial means to create a cinema that joins us beyond our national boundaries. Yet, problems at the structural/organizational level often prevent genuine regional collaborative relationships from being established and maintained. Using the case study of the production of Lonbraz Kann as starting point, this debate hopes to take stock of the resources available to us today and identify any gaps and difficulties.
Forum Film Bazar : Day 3
Friday 10 Octobre 2014
Bringing greater visibility to Indian Ocean film: FILM. BOX and the RFC
Each year, the countries of the Indian Ocean produce a certain number of short films, but most of these remain invisible to its primary target audience: that of their country of origin and of other Indian Ocean countries. It is sometimes even easier to have them be seen in distant foreign countries than within the region. Also implicit here is the issue of the money earned by artists through the exploitation of their creative works.
What are the existing resources today? What are the structures to set up and which partners could play a more important role? How to create a system of collaboration between Indian Ocean countries? How to reconcile our differences when dealing with the ways creative works are exploited and financially remunerated?
Time to meet and chat
What do the films of the Indian Ocean say about us?
Is it possible to point out what currents cut across the various cinemas of the Indian Ocean? What do our films say about our societies, our histories, our dreams? Comparative views on the cinematographic production of the region.