Set in place by Porteurs d’Images Association, the programme Film Fabrik offers to scriptwriters/directors, since 2008, the technical, financial and logistical means to make their own films, lending them a helping hand from the stage of working on the script to diffusing the finished artwork.
Film Fabrik is the will to foster the development of a unique local cinema, one very much our own yet capable of travelling well beyond our borders. To this day, more than 30 short films have been made within the framework of the Film Fabrik programme.
The 2015 Collection presents the three latest productions of the Festival, films that fall under the umbrellas of both traditional narrative filmmaking and experimental filmmaking.
At the heart of this collection, the films Boutik and Rod Zegwi dan Pikan are the first artistic works to bear the label “Made in Moris.”
Buy Films
The Short Films
Sophie Robert
Mauritius / 2015 / Fiction / 4′
Interview of Sophie on Phone Connection
ITV Ile Courts 2015 / Sophie Robert from Porteurs d'Images on Vimeo.
Damien Dittberner
Mauritius / 2015 / Fiction / 15’
The trailer : Boutik
Bande annonce . "Boutik" de Damien Dittberner from Porteurs d'Images on Vimeo.
Interview of Damien on Boutik
ITV Ile Courts 2015 / Damien Dittberner from Porteurs d'Images on Vimeo.
Azim Moollan
Mauritius / 2015 / Experimental / 5′
The trailer : Rod Zegwi dan Pikan
Bande annonce . "Rod Zegwi dan Pikan" de Azim Moollan from Porteurs d'Images on Vimeo.
Interview of Azim on Rod Zegwi dan Pikan
ITV Ile Courts 2015 / Azim Moollan from Porteurs d'Images on Vimeo.
The Filmmakers
Sophie Robert
Mauritian-born, Sophie Robert first pursues law studies in England. All while working in “the City” (London), she keeps up her interest in cinema and embarks upon a Masters in Film History at the University of Westminster. Her natural penchant for writing leads her to take part in screenwriting workshops, most notably in those of London’s Script Factory.
She also participates in some acting workshops and works at the Raindance Film Festival. Upon returning to Mauritius in 2012, she is selected for Ile Courts 2012’s writing workshop Écrire court. Becoming more and more deeply involved in the field of cinema, she joins the team of David Constantin’s feature film Lonbraz Kann in 2013 as assistant casting director.
As part of Film Fabrik, Sophie Robert directs in 2014 her first short (fiction) film, La Leçon d’anglais..
Damien Dittberner
Being raised on three different continents turned Damien Dittberner into quite the cultural gypsy, but it’s in Mauritius that the young filmmaker finally decides to settle down for good. Born in 1984 in Bruxelles, Belgium, he grows up in Washington, and yet his Mauritian roots never leave him.
After studying journalism and communications at the University of Delaware, then cinema at the University of Prague, Damien works in the audiovisual field of New York City. There, he is involved in projects dealing with short and features films, commercials and even videoclips, an experience that allows him to rub shoulders with experienced film and photography directors. It’s in 2011 that Damien decides to fly back to Mauritius, where now he works as producer, director and editor for his own film house, Mocean Film.
In 2014, Damien takes part in the fiction scriptwriting workshop Keeping it Short of the Ile Courts International Film Festival of Mauritius. Following this workshop, his film project Boutik (Cornershop) is taken on for production by the Porteurs d’Images association in the framework of Film Fabrik 2015. In 2015, Damien had dedicated himself to the making of both this short film and a documentary about Mauritius.
Azim Moollan
Born in Mauritius in 1985, Azim Moollan is
. a director of photography on film sets,
. a photographer during his spare time,
. a wannabe poet in everyday life,
. and a rising artist in his dreams.
In 2014, Azim participates in the animation workshop Draw Me a Short of the Ile Courts Short Film Festival of Mauritius. Following this workshop, his film project Rod Zegwi dan Pikan (Looking for a Needle among Thorns) is taken on to be produced by the Porteurs d’Images association within the framework of Film Fabrik 2015.
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