La Tête Ailleurs #3 : Islands Connection – Kouman Ou Ye Haïti
Free admission.
Institut Français de Maurice. Rose Hill.
Time: 12:00pm
The La Tête Ailleurs screenings of the Île Courts Festival are an opportunity to venture on the cinematic path of a region of the world or on a particular theme. As well as a unique opportunity to meet the directors of some of the presented films and open up to foreign perspectives.
Nicknamed “the Pearl of the Caribbean”, Haiti has many stories to tell. This is what the Ciné Institute based in Jacmel in the south of the country proposes with four Haitian short films screened in the presence of director Wood Jerry Gabriel. Offered by the Île Court Festival as part of a series of Tête Ailleurs screenings dedicated to the exploration of islands through cinema.
In collaboration with the Ciné Institute and the Institut Français de Maurice.
After her husband’s funeral, Martha is consumed with grief and gradually sinks into the abyss of her memories.

by EDDY FLEURSAINT . Haiti / 2015 / Fiction / 15’
Haitian Creole, with English subtitles
Junior, 15, fuelled by the flame of brotherly love, starts all kinds of activities to take care of Peter, his 10-year-old brother. Following an incident with Maxime, they will fight to survive.

by NEPHTALIE BERTIN. Haiti / 2016 / Documentary / 14’
Haitian Creole, with French subtitles
Two mothers, Maricide and Lovely, live in Baie d’Orange, a secluded village in Haiti. The lack of access to sexual education, combined with their personal beliefs, make their everyday life an ongoing battle for survival.

by GASNER FRANCOIS ET LEEL PAUL . Haiti / 2014 / Documentary / 09’
Haitian Creole, with English subtitles
In Haiti, a silent disease is attacking Nature. Plastic bottles and waste are increasingly visible, everywhere. The population is becoming aware of this terrible trend and is taking steps to stop the invasion.