Stepping into the realm of feature films

Let us turn our gaze from one island to another of this archipelago of ours. This evening, you have the choice. Of an urban atmosphere at l’Atelier littéraire of Port Louis, for a feature-length Malagasy documentary, to meet its director and the Malagasy Way of Life. Or of an evening of short films and picnic blankets under the stars of Chemin Grenier in the garden of the village church, as near as possible to the filming location of La Leçon d’Anglais.

The screening will be followed by an open discussion with the director and producer of the film, all in a casual and friendly atmosphere. The bar of l’Atelier will be open for the evening, which will be an occasion to prolong the conversation.

Ady Gasy, the malagasy way
A​DY ​G​ASY​, ​T​he ​M​alagasy ​W​ay
Lova Nantenaina
Madagascar / 2014 / Documentary / 80′
“The Chinese manufacture things, the Malagasy repair them!”.
Watching a film, let’s have fun inversing the established roles… let’s imagine that it’s no longer the economists who present models for economic growth but the peasants, artisans and artists who display their know-how, their “ady gasy.”.
There are those who make shoes out of tires, lamps out of empty condensed milk cans and even medicine and soap from zebu bones left behind by stray dogs…It’s with a good dose of humour that in Madagascar, sayings, music and recyclage defy the economy!

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